Master Thesis


Students intending to write a master thesis at the chair of banking and financial services should have acquired the necessary methodological and theoretical knowledge in order to work on a specific subject. Accordingly we require students to have successfully completed exams in one of the following core courses: „Banking & Finance”, „Management of Financial Institutions" or „Banking & Investments“. Furthermore a successful participation in one of the seminars at the Chair for Banking and Financial Services is desirable but not required.


The starting point of your thesis is to study and analyze the relevant literature. You should focus on scientific literature in journals.  As the reader of your work will likely have a university level education in the particular subject, you do not have to summarize and repeat content of lectures and course books. Further a personal contribution to the literature is desirable. A contribution can be made by augmenting a theoretical model or by estimating an econometric analysis.


Your thesis should not exceed 50 pages (+/- 10%). You can choose between Arial with front size 11 or Times New Roman with front size of 12. Leave a margin of 2.5 cm on both sides and at the top and 2 cm at the bottom. Use standard citations of scientific journals. You must write your thesis in English (German only in exceptional cases).

Choice of topic

You can either submit a topic of your own topic or choose a topic proposed by our chair. In case you want to work on your own a topic you need to consider that your proposal relates to the chair of banking and financial services. An overview of our research topics is given under "research”. Theoretical and empirical theses are possible. The topic of your thesis is finalized in a discussion with your supervisor.


Applications or general inquiries can be sent to


Application Deadlines

Summer term 2024 : 15.03.2024

Winter term : tba