Information Summer Term 2025:
The lecture will take place in the summer term 2025 in presence. Information about the exact schedule is available on ILIAS (Link) and HohCampus.
The tutorials will take place at:
23.04.2025 16-18 Uhr at HS 33
07.05.2025 16-18 Uhr at HS 33
14.05.2025 16-18 Uhr at HS 33
General Information:
Financial Intermediation deals with the risk- and profit management of banks. Main topics of the course are measuring, illustrating and managing risks as well as systems of the profit-oriented bank management. A main point is the calculation of the value at risk (VaR).
Further information on the lecture:
Further information and all teaching materials are available on ILIAS (Link).
Selected literature:
Besanko, D. und G. Kanatas (1993): Credit Market Equilibrium with Bank Monitoring and Moral Hazard, RFS, Vol. 6, S. 213-232.
Bryant, J. (1980): A Model of Reserves, Bank Runs, and Deposit Insurance, JBF, Vol. 4, S. 335-344.
Büschgen, H.E. und Chr.J. Börner (2003): Bankbetriebslehre, Stuttgart, Teil I, II.
Diamond, D. W. (1984): Financial Intermediation and Delegated Monitoring, RES, Vol. 51, S. 393-414.
Diamond, D.W (1991): Monitoring and Reputation: The Choice Between Bank Loans and Privately Placed Debt, JPE, Vol. 99, S. 689-721.
Diamond, D. W. und P. Dybvig (1983): Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity, JPE, Vol. 91, S. 401-419.
Freixas, X. and Rochet, J.C. (2002): Microeconomics of Banking, 2nd edition.
Kashyap, A. K., R. Rajan und J. C. Stein (2002): Banks as Liquidity Providers: An Explanation for the Coexistence of Lending and Deposit Taking, JoF, Vol. 57, S. 33‑73.
Hartmann-Wendels, A. Pfingsten und Th., M. Weber (2000): Bankbetriebslehre, Teil A, B.