On the different impact of local and national sources of policy uncertainty on sectoral stock volatility Research in international business and finance, Volume 72(B) | 2024 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Nazmie Sabani, Stephan Bales, Hans-Peter Burghof |
The effect of the countercyclical capital buffer on the stability of the housing market The journal of real estate finance and economics, 1-49 | 2024 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Julia Braun, Hans-Peter Burghof, Dag Einar Sommervoll |
The volatility of housing prices: Do different types of financial intermediaries affect housing market cycles differently? The journal of real estate finance and economics, Volume 63 (3), 377.408 | 2024 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Julia Braun, Hans-Peter Burghof, Julius Langer, Dag Einar Sommervoll |
Public attention, sentiment and the default of Silicon Valley Bank The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 69(A) | 2024 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Stephan Bales, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Does the source of uncertainty matter? The impact of financial, newspaper and Twitter-based measures on U.S. banks Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 65 | 2023 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Stephan Bales, Kaspar Burghartz, Hans-Peter Burghof, Lukas Hitz |
Taming housing and financial market instability: The effect of heterogeneous banking regulations Journal of real estate research, Volume 45(4), S. 511-544 | 2023 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Julia Braun |
Policy Uncertainty and the Sovereign-Bank Nexus: A Time-Frequency Analysis using Wavelet Transformation Finance Research Letters, Volume 44 | 2022 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Stephan Bales |
Sovereign and Bank Contagion in the Eurozone: A Multi-Scale Approach using Wavelet-Network Analysis International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 83 | 2022 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Stephan Bales |
The Investment Style Drift Puzzle and Risk-Taking in Venture Capital Review of Corporate Finance 2, Forthcoming | 2022 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Lukas König, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Tell Me Something New: Startup Valuations, Information Asymmetry, and the Migitating Effect of Informational Updates Venture Capital, Volume 24, NO. 1, S. 47-69 | 2022 | Zeitschrfitenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Lukas König, Julius Tennert |
Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Typen von Finanzinstitutionen auf Immobilienmarktzyklen Der langfristige Kredit, 73. Jg., S. 268-271 | 2022 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Julia Braun, Hans-Peter Burghof |
The Impact of different Financial Intermediaries on Housing Market Cycles Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Julia Braun, Hans-Peter Burghof, Julius Langer, Dag Einar Sommervoll |
Pandemic waves, government response, and bank stock returns: evidence from 36 countries Fullbright Review of Economics and Policy, Volume 2 (1) | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Stephan Bales, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Contractual Saving for Housing as an Early Financial Developement and its Clients in Weimar Germany Vierteljahreschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 109, S. 443-478 | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Marcel Gehrung, Hans-Peter Burghof, Julia Schmidt, Daniel Alexander |
The Investment Style Drift Puzzle and Risk-Taking in Venture Capital Review of Corporate Finance, Volume 2, S. 527-585 | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Lukas Koenig, Hans-Peter Burghof |
One Market to Rule Them All: How Financial Integrationb Influenced Inequality in the European Union CESifo Economic Studies, Volume 68, S. 73-97 | 2022 | Zeitschriftenbeiitrag (peer-reviewed) | Hans-Peter Burghof, Marcel Gehrung |
Internationalization of R&D and innovation performance in the pharma industry Journal of international Management, Volume 22(3) | 2022 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Daniel Sommer, Krishna Raj Bhandari |
Sovereign and bank dependence in the Eurozone: A multi-scale approach using Wavelet-Network analysis International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 83, S. 1-17 | 2022 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Stephan Bales |
Retail Investor Behavior, Fintechs and sustainable Finance - Insights from the 6th European Retail Investment Conference (ERIC) Credit and Capital Markets, Volume 54(4), S. 669-678 | 2021 | Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed) | Hans-Peter Burghof, Nazmie Sabani, Patrick Tobias Jaquart |
Bausparen aus der Perspektive der "Sharing Economy" Immobilienfinanzierung - Der langfristige Kredit, 72. Jg., S. 26-29 | 2021 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Marcel Gehrung, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Zinsplattformen - die Chance der Kleinanleger? bm bank und markt, 50. Jg. Heft 4, S. 23-25 | 2021 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Policy uncertainty, interest rate enviroment and the dynamic correlation between sovereign and bank default risk Economics Letters, Volume 206, 109983 | 2021 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Stephan Bales, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Geldwäsche: Schon wieder die deutsche Bank? Wirtschaftsdienst, 100 Jg., S. 735 | 2020 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Wirtschaftliche Freiheit als Krisenwährung ifo Schnelldienst, 73. Jg. heft 8, S. 13-16 | 2020 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Banking Regulation: A Systematic View on Capital Adequacy, Financial Systems and the Regulation Process Credit and Capital Markets, Volume 53, S. 304-323 | 2020 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Bausparen und die Kosten der Immobilienfinanzierung Immobilien und Finanzierung, 70 Jg., S. 174-177 | 2019 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Marcel Gehrung, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Discussion of "Net Stable Funding Ratio and liquidity Hoarding" SBR Schmalenbach Business Review, 71 Jg., S. 87-90 | 2019 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Deusche Bank: Haftung für Geldwäsche Wirtschaftsdienst, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 98. Jg., S. 838 | 2018 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Moral hazard in high-risk enviroments: optimal follow-on investing in venture capital finance Venture Capital, Volume 20, S. 323-338 | 2018 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Julius Tennert, Marie Lambert, Hans-Peter Burghof |
The Efficiency of Savings-linked Relationship Lending for Housing Finance Journal of Housing Economics, Volume 42, S. 55-68 | 2018 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Steffen Kirsch, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Der Niedrigzins der EZB: Outsourcing staatlicher Aufgaben mit Nebenwirkungen ifo Schnelldienst, Volume 69, S. 16-18 | 2017 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Bausparen und Zinsbindung - ökonomische Wertung WM Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht, 71. Jg., S. 147-1443 | 2017 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Daniel Alexander Schmidt, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Bankenaufsicht und Geldpolitik bei Trump: Wende um 180 Grad? Wirtschaftsdienst, Zeitschrift für Wirtschatspolitik, 97. Jg., S. 172-179 | 2017 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Ansgar Belke, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Deutsche Bank: Deutsche Banken in der Krise? Wirtschaftsdienst, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 96. Jg., S. 784-785 | 2016 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Hans-Peter Burghof |
The state as a financial intermediary to foster long-term investments Applied Economics Quarterly, Volume 62, S. 205-230 | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Carola Müller, Hans-Peter Burghof |
From Traditional Floor Trading to Electronic High Frequency trading (HFT) - Market Implications and Regulatory Aspects Bankhistorisches Archiv, 40 Jg., S. 38-51 | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Retail Investor Information Demand - Speculating and Investing in Structured Products European Journal of Finance, Volume 21, S. 1063-1085 | 2016 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Sebastian Schroff, Stephan Meyer, Hans-Peter Burghof |
The impact of credit rating announcements of corporate CDS markets - Are intra-industry effects observable? Journal of Econimcs and Business, Volume 78, S. 79-91 | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Andreas Wengner, Johannes Schneider, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Bausparen und die Niedrigzinsphase Immobilien & Finanzierung, 18. Jg., S. 618-622 | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Spieltheorie pervers - eine Analyse der Verhandlungsstrategie der Verhandlungsstrategie der griechischen Regierung ifo Schnelldienst, 68. Jg., Heft 13, S. 22-26 | 2015 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Europäische Banken: Kein Stress mehr? Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 94. Jg. | 2014 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Die Auswirkungen einer Höchstverschuldungsquote auf den Bankenmarkt Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, 68 Jg., S. 129-146 | 2014 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Carola Müller, Hand-Peter Burghof |
Europäische Bankenunion: "Ein Großprojekt auf des Messers Schneide" WiSt, 43. Jg., S. 491-493 | 2014 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Soziale Medien bei Kapitalmarktentscheidungen Portfolio International, Heft 3, S. 56 | 2014 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Ulli Spankowski, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Retail Investor Behavior and Financial Retail Products - Evidence from the 2nd European Retail Investment Conference Credit and Capital Markets, 47. Jg., S. 177-189 | 2014 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Carolin Koch, Stephan Meyer, Sebastian Schroff, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Der "Fall Bankia" als Beleg für die Notwendigkeit einer einheitlichen europäischen Bankenaufsicht auch für regionale Kredinstitute? Eine kritische Analyse ZfgG, 63. Jg., Sonderheft, S. 3-76 | 2013 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Jan Müller, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Talking by Numbers - Communicated Uncertainty by the ECB Intereconomics, Volume 48, S. 287-292 | 2013 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Oliver Sauter, Sebastian Schroff, Ulli Spankowski, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Bepreisungsverhalten am deutschen Zertifikatmarkt | 2013 | Zeitschriftenartikel | Stephan Meyer, Sebastian Schroff, Christian Weinhardt |
Is Increasing Financial Integration Risk Sharing? Journal of Business and Policy Research, Volume 8, S. 1-16 | 2013 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Helena Kleinert, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Der Informationsgehalt von Ratingänderungen für US- und europäische Unternehmen - Eine empirische Analyse Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft, 25. Jg., S. 171-183 | 2013 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Johannes Schneider, Andreas Wengner, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Comperative Performance of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Europe American Journal of Finance and Accounting, Volume 3, S. 1-23 | 2013 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Ahmad M. Abu-Alkheil, Walayet A. Khan, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Comparison of Efficiencxy and Productivity Changes of Islamic and Conventional Banks: Evidence from Europe and Muslim-Majority Countries Journal of Applied Business Research, Volume 28, S. 2385-1412 | 2012 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Ahmad M. Abu-Alkheil, Walayet A. Khan, hans-Peter Burghof |
Islamic and Commercial Banking in Europe: A Cross-Country and Inter-Bank Analysis of Efficiency Performance International Business & Economics Research Journal, Volume 11, S. 647-676 | 2012 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Ahmad M. Abu-Alkheil, Walayet A. Khan, Hans-Peter Burghof |
The 52-Week High Strategy and Information Uncertainty Financial Portfolio Management, Volume 25, S. 345-378 | 2012 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Felix Prothmann, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Can Stock Price Momentum be Explained by Anchoring? International Journal of Business and Finance Research, Voule 3, S. 47-70 | 2009 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Felix Prothmann, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Risk Effects versus Delayed Price Response: The Case of the Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift in Germany Kredit und Kapital, 42. Jg., S. 55-91 | 2009 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Matthias Johannsen, Hans-Peter Burghof |
The Economics State Subsidies in Early Stage Financing International Journal of the Economics and Business, Volume 14, S. 433-457 | 2007 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Ekkehardt Bauer, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Capital Allocation with Value-at-Risk - the Case of Informed Traders and Herding Journal of Risk, Volume 7, No. 4, S. 47-73 | 2005 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Tanja Sinha, Hans-Peter Burghof |
The Neuer Markt - an (Overly) Risky Asset of Germany´s Financial System Advances in Financial Economics, Volume 10, S. 295-324 | 2004 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Adrian Hunger, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Disclosure of Board Remuneration in Large European Banks Corporate Ownership & Control, Volume 1, S. 122-136 | 2004 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Christian Hofmann, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Going private als Corporate Governance-Transaktion BFuP, 55. Jg., S. 117-136 | 2003 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Dirk Schilling, Hans-Peter Burghof |
Credit and Information in Universal Banking Schmalenbach Business Review, 52. Jg. der ZfbF, S. 282-309 | 2000 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Kapitalstruktur und Unternehmenskontrolle WiST, 28. Jg., S. 613-615 | 1999 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Hans-Peter Burghof |
Kreditderivate als Instrument eines aktiven Kreditrisikomanagements ZBB, 10 Jg., S. 277-286 | 1998 | Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer reviewed) | Sabine Henkel, Bernd Rudolph, Hans-Peter Burghof |